
Hiking from the city of Setúbal to Palmela Castle. Portugal

Wherever we stay for more than a few weeks, we always find a weekend hike. It is usually an easily accessible trail of 15-20 kilometers with varied landscapes. When we lived on the edge of Serra de Estrela Park , we used to hike to an icy stream where one of us would go skinny-dipping in both winter and spring when the creeks were still full of water. Now that we've moved closer to the Arrábida Natural Park , we've begun to explore the web of trails that run between Setúbal and Palmela. The whole route is only between 9.5 and 10.5 kilometers long, but at least we can start it right from our doorstep. It has a nice climb of about 420 meters and goes over several hills. Just as all roads lead to Rome, this track actually connects two remaining parts of the Calçada Romana which once linked Equabona (Coina) to Emerita (Mérida). Depending on the weather and the season, we follow one of the four versions of the route. At different times of the year we can admire quince blossoms, c...

Walking in the Algarve. Portugal. December 2024

El Sur. O Sul. The South. A beckoning hand on the compass in winter. The magnet. The promise of gentle sun, caressing breezes and clear skies. Assuring a tranquil and carefree journey. The present. Forgiving for forgetfulness. Offering a temporary amnesia. Whispering: leave all your worries in the North, everything can wait.

Rota Vicentina. From Vila Nova de Milfontes to Porto Covo. December 2024

We’re standing on land that once belonged to the sea. Beneath the sheer cliffs, the blue recedes to expose giant gills. They are blackened with age and jut out of the sand. The sea breathes with every wave and ebb.   It's the realm of gradual change that leaves its mark on the ground once covered by water. Time is revealed in the layers of rock.     We are here to witness, to observe, to contemplate as we walk along a soft, narrow path.       The floor of the bay is carved by salt. The turquoise lace of the waves blankets the beach. The ocean is gradually reclaiming what once belonged to it, licking the shores. These eroded cliffs yawn into eternity.         We are here to live the present as we move away from the coast and into the pine forest. In the morning we sit on a terrace overlooking the vast fields of the Alentejo. Th...

Azeitona. Olive harvest. October 2024. Portugal

I am in Serro Ventoso, the interior of Portugal that never appears on colorful postcards in tourist shops. Here it is the realm of the green palette: pine, sage, emerald and their various shades. It is the land of white, milky mist that covers the hills. The thick fog that comes from the ocean and nourishes the soil, the locals say. People here are tough and resilient. The harshness of the landscape is reflected in their faces. They greet strangers with a piercing, stern gaze, not frowning, but not smiling either. For centuries, people have struggled in this rocky land, where rivers and waterfalls fill only after heavy rains. "When I was growing up, we had very little fruit. Only apples and figs in season. There was not enough water in this region to grow fruit," says 65-year-old Filomena. She and her nine siblings were all born in the same house where she now lives with her husband, their daughter and her boyfriend. The younger generation of the family works outside the vi...

Панцирь цикады. Лиссабон. Август 2024

Иногда я думаю, как вернуть себе русский язык. Что почитать или посмотреть. Потом быстро вспоминаю, что мне надо не русский возвращать, а обретать португальский. Закрываю интервью с Верой Полозковой и включаю радио, по которому передают новости края Европы на Иберийском полуострове. Я Катя. У меня три паспорта и почти каждый день в разных ситуациях я использую четыре языка. Ни один из них не является для меня больше родным. Вернее, не так. Ни одним из них я не владею на уровне родного. На русском я почти ничего не пишу с 24 февраля 2022 года, с тех пор, как началась эта страшная война. Она застала нас в походе на юге Испании. Та зима в Андалусии выдалась знойной, и мы в каждом месте останавливались на пару дней, чтобы залечить мозоли после долгих часов в пути. Помню, как я проснулась в хостеле для пилигримов, где кроме нас с Максом в ту ночь никто не останавливался. Мы спали в большой просторной комнате с шестью двухэтажными кроватями. Я прочитала новости и посмотрела на Макса, его л...

Hitchhiking in the south of Norway. Summer 2024

In June, we covered 635 kilometers in southern Norway, catching rides with both locals and foreigners. In hitchhiking circles, Norway (along with other Scandinavian countries) is often described as a great place for thumbing, with the shortest waiting times. However, we found it even more difficult than Sweden , which in our experience is not the easiest country to hitch in. Meanwhile, of all the Nordic countries, we'd put Iceland and Denmark at the top of the list of easiest places for hitchhikers. But ultimately, we can't complain, because in Norway the weather was on our side most of the time, which is not always the case in that part of the world, even in summer. Here's a short collection of our hitchhiking stories in a non-chronological order. Tønsberg - Oslo That day can definitely be described as one of the most remarkable hitchhiking days we've ever had. Of course, nothing can beat the journey in Myanmar where we ended up teaching English in a remote villa...

Couchsurfing in an inclusive community. Norway. Summer 2024

When I first started traveling alone, one of my initial destinations was Venice . As I wandered through the city’s intricate maze of canals, I often wondered what lay behind those red brick walls and arched windows. I wasn’t curious about the exquisite palazzi converted into luxury hotels. I wanted to know how Venetians lived: what their apartments looked like, where they ran their daily chores, and when they ate breakfast and dinner. Without living with the locals, the city seemed to lack a human touch. Fortunately, I have since discovered several hospitality exchange platforms and began traveling for people, not places. Sightseeing has almost completely lost its appeal for me and my partner. We’ve seen Petra and Angkor Wat , but our most memorable moments come from staying with locals and hitchhiking . That day in Norway, we were on the way to meet our couchsurfing host. Her address mentioned a place called Vidaråsen, which seemed too small for anyone to know. We decided to wri...