
Showing posts from March, 2016

Trip 2015-16. Day 370. Ireland, Roscommon

A haunted house The folks around here say it’s a haunted house. Nobody has moved into it since it was built and nobody would even enter it today unless you are a foreigner like me. For me it was only "haunted" by the beauty of light and shadows playing around; by the wind blowing through and the silence of nature taking over the space…

Trip 2015-16. Day 365. One whole year on the road...

I draw with a charcoal, play my jaw harp, write poems, read and walk along the fields with cows and sheep. TWO YEARS AGO when I left my computer programming job I couldn’t even dream of such luxury. During this time I wandered around abandoned villages in Cyprus, said hello to wild donkeys in Karpas peninsula, got to a Phoenician island with no phoenicians, tasted the best olive oil in Sicily, enjoyed Frida Kahlo art in Rome, explored a huge abandoned factory in Greece, showed my face on security cameras of all the synagogues in Istanbul, tasted an Armenian lavash just from the oven, got robbed and got my money back in Georgia, saw all Armenian monasteries from the Parajanov’s movie, got into every derelict cottage in Ireland, got my unemployment benefits in Israel, survived Ramadan in Kurdistan, sneaked into an abandoned amusement park in Berlin, visited Basque Country (neither Spain, nor France), learned basic Spanish, got lost in the Love Valley in Cappadocia, hitchhiked around Cauc...

Trip 2015-16. Day 362. Ireland, Mote Park

Сказки и звуки изумрудного леса...

Trip 2015-16. Day 360. Ireland, Roscommon. Ирландия, Роскоммон

Как трудно просто жить И спать без снов В реке не утопить Весь груз из слов, Воспоминаний, мыслей, фотографий — В торфяник бросить По полям развеять И ничего не сеять. Вставать, дышать, Искать звезду над домом Топить углем, Но тот этюд, в котором еще вчера так много было смысла — Оставить. Черными руками Не трогать белый лист И не звонить... Как трудно просто жить.

Trip 2015-16. Day 348. Berlin. Берлин

Последний нотный лист - Обрыв кардиограммы. Аккорд не прозвучал, Диагноз не поставлен. С началом, без конца Квартет, без завершения Для скрипок и альта. Вся жизнь - Басовый ключ Вопрос и многоточие...