День 89. Ситания де Бритейруш Кельтское поселение железного века, которое отчаянно сопротивлялось романизации вплоть до V века н.э. Считается, что своего высшего развития оно достигло во II-I вв. до н.э. Herodotus describes the Celts as the last but one of the westernmost peoples inhabiting Europe, the Cynetes, also called the Conii in Strabo. He is very precise in locating them (© "The Celts in Portugal" Teresa Júdice Gamito, University of Algarve): ...now the Celtae dwell beyond the pillars of Hercules, being neighbours of the Cynesii, who are the westernmost of all nations inhabiting Europe (Herodotus, II, 33). In another reference he locates the Celts again in the extreme west, as neighbors of the Cynetes, extending as far east as the Scythians: ...for the Ister [Danube] traverses the whole of Europe, rising among the Celts , who, save only the Cynetes, are the most westerly dwellers in Europe, and flowing thus clean across Europe it issues forth along the borders o...