Kbal Spean. Кбальспиен. Камбоджа. ЮВА 2018
"Similarly, the Angkor region Khmer temples were constructed at the intersection of moats and roads which were oriented east-west and north-south; this was done purposely to project the image of the heaven on earth (mandala) that had been initiated by Khmer monarchs. In addition to being consistent with Indian and Khmer cosmological focus on east-west and north-south, the water-management network was consecrated by the traditional symbols of fertility. A number of linga phallic symbols were carved in the rocky riverbed at the mountain source, suggesting the sanctity of the water that flowed from the mountain region to Angkor." ("The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia")
Лингам и йони - мужское и женское - река оплодотворяет, наполняет жизнью. Своим течением она уносит мимолетное и преходящее, оставляя незыблемое. Лица, высеченные в камне, становятся частью неиссякаемого потока. Скрытые в сезон дождей образы Брахмы, Вишну и Шивы постепенно появляются из-под воды, когда река отступает. Рукотворное гармонично вливается в вечный природный цикл.
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