Trip 2015-16. Day 34. Spain, Madrid. Испания: Мадрид
Музей Прадо: Гойя, Босх, Эль Греко, Веласкес, Пикассо. Потряс Гойя, особенно его “pinturas negras” (“мрачные картины”).
Вспомнилась замечательная передача Паолы Волковой о философии войны в живописи испанских художников:
“When I hear people talk about the evolution of an artist, I imagine him standing between two mirrors face-to-face which reproduce his image to infinity. You look at the successive images in one of the mirrors as if they represented his past and at those in the other as if they were his future, while his real image is considered to be his present. You do not notice that they are all the same on different planes." (“Picasso Speaks. A Statement by the Artist”)
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