
Showing posts from April, 2016

Trip 2015-16. Day 401. Hitchhiking from Germany to Portugal: Açores

Before my friend turned 30 the sun finally greeted us in Portugal after 9 days of traveling all the way from Berlin!

Trip 2015-16. Day 400. Hitchhiking from Germany to Portugal: Carcassonne - Celorico da Beira

Before my friend turned 30 , she made a plan to reach Portugal in two days. We were trying to hitch out of the petrol station not far away from Carcassonne in France when that Portuguese truck pulled in. I decided to try my Spanish: - Portugal? - Sí. - Pero hoy Portugal? - No. - Mañana? - Sí. - Podemos viajar contigo? - Sí, pero voy a descargar en Toulouse. - Duermes en Toulouse a noche? - No, en Irun, España. So, he's going to stop in Irun for the night and then go to Portugal tomorrow, I said to my friend, and we got into the truck that two days later brought us to Celorico da Beira in the center of Portugal. It’s hard to describe the incredible experience we had traveling for two days with our hero driver Carlos. We had a lot of fun! I think we’ve heard that song ten times during the trip. And the word “hierba” was repeated one hundred times. And I also learned that “un sexo es un sexo” and that “a todo el mundo gusta el sexo” and it was part of just a small talk dur...

Trip 2015-16. Day 399. Hitchhiking from Germany to Portugal: Lyon - Valence - Orange - Narbonne - Carcassonne

Before my friend turned 30 , we hitched an old van with a lovely Dutch couple, two dogs and the whole Plane of Freedom inside. “If you want to learn to trust the world, you have to be in the world!”

Trip 2015-16. Day 398. Hitchhiking from Germany to Portugal: Arlon - Longwy - Thionville - Metz - Bourg-en-Bresse - Lyon

Before my friend turned 30 a very kind driver saved us from freezing cold at an absolutely hopeless (non)hitchhiking spot somewhere in France. We also managed not to get a heart attack traveling for three hours with Bep, a 79-year old Dutch woman from Australia who hadn’t driven on the left side for 30 years. She shared a lot of wisdom with us. About life: “If there’s a problem, there’s always a solution” About the Holocaust: - Mom, there're people crying there, you need to do something. - No, Bep, these are animals. They came back in the same cattle wagons and when I saw them getting off the train I said to my Mom: - I told you, there were people there! They were skeletons, literally skin on bones. They all had very long arms and legs. There were women with babies who looked like skinned rabbits. About the war: My father always said "Don't forget that Germans are our neighbours!". Through the whole war there were two Polish guys hiding in the attic of o...

Trip 2015-16. Day 397. Hitchhiking from Germany to Portugal: Arlon

Before my friend turned 30 the rain and cold stopped us in Arlon for a couple of days. The rest was needed!

Trip 2015-16. Day 395. Hitchhiking from Germany to Portugal: Dusseldorf - Arlon

Before my friend turned 30 , I learned that green bananas are transported in big trucks from Antwerp to Prague and have to be kept there for two weeks until they get yellow. The czech driver was so much afraid of us that he interrogated us for half an hour before we could get into his truck: - Who are you? - Hitchhikers. - What do you do? - Computer programming. - Where’s your computer? - In the backpack. - Are you robbers? - No. Seemed like our answers were persuasive enough and we managed to travel with him all the way to the mysterious town in Belgium called “L-ee-g-e”. Today we accidently traveled 75 km to the north so that we could go 200 km to the south with eight lifts (two of them in the long-distance trucks).

Trip 2015-16. Day 394. Hitchhiking from Germany to Portugal: Dusseldorf

Before my friend turned 30 we tried to hitch out of Dusseldorf but were stopped by the astronauts who’d arrived to that spot before us. Staying is part of moving...

Trip 2015-16. Day 393. Hitchhiking from Germany to Portugal: Berlin - Hannover - Dortmund - Dusseldorf

Before my friend turned 30 she decided to follow the sun from Germany to Portugal. We hit the road early morning in Berlin and ended up late afternoon in Dusseldorf after having covered 540 km with three different drivers. That evening I saw powerful, black, fast Rhine for the first time in my life.

Trip 2015-16. Day 387. Ireland, Roscommon

I need massage for my mind, And soul and heart Just relaxing - not thai for a hundred baht. My shoulders are fine, So as feet and spine But inside's a bit rough. Could you please press here, but not so tough? No pain, no gain - As my teacher said, A small “therapy point” And the thoughts won’t spread.

Trip 2015-16. Day 383. Ireland, Roscommon.

Life in the Irish countryside. Art is being greatly appreciated...

Trip 2015-16. Day 379. Ireland, Glendalough

Listening to the silence of nature in the sky-roof temple of humans... ***************************

Trip 2015-16. Day 378. Ireland, Bray - Greystones cliff walk

Just a walk in the cliffs With the train underneath And grey clouds above And the fish and the chips In the end of wet trip As a sign of love?!