Day 54. Santarem
День 54. Сантарей
"... the traveler comes face to face with the best that Santarem has to offer, and has laboriously restored: the convent of St Francis. Or to be more precise: what’s left of it. It is a ruin: the pulverized remains of a giant’s body that is searching desperately to put itself together again, and keeps finding bits and pieces of other giants: fragments here and there, chunks of wall, bits of columns, fallen capitals, some of them Gothic, others Manueline, still others from the Renaissance. … This chaotic jumble conveys to the traveler an unheard story of calculated forms, of spiritual force which does not seek to leave the earth… In the opinion of the traveler – and when he has an opinion, he says so – this ruin should only be restored sufficiently to ensure it is conserved. It is and should stay a ruin. Ruins are always more eloquent that any restored building. … The present has more than enough places in which to speak to the future. This is the voice of the past." (© J. Saramago "Journey to Portugal")
На окраине Сантарея за городской стеной сохранился средневековый фонтан XIV века. Подобный тому, который странница обнаружила на окраине Сан-Джиминьяно в Тоскане в прошлом году.
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